I'm using magento I configured magento to use secure url's in both the front en the backend. In Firefox on OSX this config works fine. When I use Safari on OSX I am not able to login to te frontend. The backend seems to work ok. <Edit>Backend shows same problem now ....
when I try to login to the front end sfari gives me a grey screen and states that: safari cannot open https://mydomain/customer/account/loginpost/, network connection disconnected
When I disable the secure settings, magento works fine using Safari
I tried:
empty cache
clear session folder
comment out cookievars section in varien.php
specify cookie domain
no results using the above, anybody any ideas where this problem comes from? I was able (unfortunally) to reproduce the problem on a OSX machine form a friend so it seems it is ot an issue specific to my home setup ...
OSX 10.10.4 (14E46)
Safari 8.0.7 (10600.7.12)