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Configurable Products Images Not Showing

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Configurable Products Images Not Showing

I have a configurable product set up with two simple products associated to it. For demonstration purposes I have used the configurable product "Pet Test" with the two simple products "Test Product Dog" & "Test Product Cat". The url for demonstration is:

The initial problem I had was I got the error: Invalid method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Media::isGalleryImageVisible

I added the function as such in Media.php that I found in a template file online (cannot be sure if it is correct)


    public function isGalleryImageVisible($image)
    if (($filterClass = $this->getGalleryFilterHelper()) && ($filterMethod = $this->getGalleryFilterMethod())) {
        return Mage::helper($filterClass)->$filterMethod($this->getProduct(), $image);
    return true;

Now the url loads fine but it does not get the child images when they are selected in the dropdown, it simply shows the parent image but larger? The description changes but is duplicated. If you look at the url you will see quite clearly the issues.

Does anybody have any ideas about this? Thank you.


Re: Configurable Products Images Not Showing

This issue sounds super tricky—Magento’s configurable products can be so finicky at times! I remember helping a friend set up a pet accessories site, and we had a similar issue where the product images didn’t update when selecting different options. Turned out, we had to recheck the JavaScript for the image gallery and make sure the child product images were properly assigned in the backend.

By the way, one of the test products we used was a Chow Chow puppy plush toy—it was adorable and made debugging a bit more fun! Hope you get your issue sorted soon.