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Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

I was wondering if anyone knows how to tackle problem I'm experiencing in magento1.9.1?

After entering username and password in Connection Manager I get blank page with message saying "Cannot connect to host: linux01"


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for all inputs.


Re: Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

To address the connection issue in Magento 1.9.1:

  1. Double-check connection details.
  2. Verify network and firewall settings.
  3. Ensure DNS resolution for "linux01."
  4. Confirm server availability.
  5. Check Magento error logs.
  6. Verify proxy settings if applicable.
  7. Keep Magento updated.
  8. Seek hosting support if issues persist.

Re: Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

Certainly! To address the connection issue in Magento 1.9.1 with the Connect Manager not connecting to the host "linux01," follow these steps:

  1. Double-check connection details to ensure accuracy.
  2. Verify network and firewall settings to allow proper communication.
  3. Ensure DNS resolution for "linux01" is accurate.
  4. Confirm server availability by checking if the server is up and running.
  5. Check Magento error logs for any relevant information on the connection issue.
  6. Verify proxy settings if applicable, ensuring they align with your network configuration.
  7. Keep Magento updated with the latest patches and updates.
  8. If issues persist, seek support from your hosting provider for further assistance.

Check Site 

Re: Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

thank you for this information please check my site topfollow

Re: Connect Manager Cannot connect to host: linux01

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check Server Configuration

Ensure that the server linux01 is up and running and that it is reachable from the machine where Magento is installed.

  • Ping the Server: Open a terminal and run ping linux01 to see if the server responds.
  • Check SSH Connection: Try to SSH into the server using ssh username@linux01 to verify that you can connect.

2. Verify Firewall Settings

Ensure that the firewall on the server is not blocking the connection.

  • Check Firewall Rules: Use iptables or any other firewall management tool to check if any rules are blocking the connection to the required ports.

3. Validate Magento Configuration

Ensure that the connection details in Magento's configuration are correct.

  • Local.xml: Check the app/etc/local.xml file to ensure that the database connection settings are correct.
  • Host Entry: Make sure linux01 is correctly resolved in your /etc/hosts file or DNS.

4. Check Web Server Configuration

Ensure that your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.) is properly configured to serve the Magento site.

  • Virtual Hosts Configuration: Check the virtual host configuration for any misconfiguration.
  • Logs: Review the web server logs for any errors related to the connection.

5. Debugging Steps

If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you can enable debugging to get more detailed error messages.

  • Enable Error Reporting: Edit the index.php file in the Magento root directory and set ini_set('display_errors', 1); and error_reporting(E_ALL); to enable error reporting.
  • Check Logs: Review the var/log/system.log and var/log/exception.log files for any specific error messages.

6. Check PHP Configuration

Ensure that the PHP configuration allows connections to the server.

  • PHP Extensions: Ensure that all required PHP extensions (such as cURL, pdo_mysql) are installed and enabled.
  • php.ini: Check the php.ini file for any restrictions that might be blocking the connection.

7. Server Resources

Ensure that the server has enough resources (memory, CPU, etc.) to handle the connection.

Example Troubleshooting Commands

Ping: ping linux01

SSH: ssh username@linux01

Firewall Rules: sudo iptables -L

Web Server Logs: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log or tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log


Check here