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Current Password field is empty error when editing Customers

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Current Password field is empty error when editing Customers


I am currently dealing with an error when tried to change the password of a customer from backend, that current password field cannot be empty. And also there is no Current Password field there.

I also came around with a console error showing
Uncaught TypeError: element.attachEvent is not a function 

in prototype.js 5644

element.attachEvent("ondataavailable", responder);


Kindly help me with this.



Re: Current Password field is empty error when editing Customers

This usually happens when you upgrade you Magento, but do not upgrade overrides (app/code/local/Mage folder). Or you have an extension that does something with customer form, but it isn't compatible with latest version.

Tanel Raja

Re: Current Password field is empty error when editing Customers

Pronto is right, just enables template hints then you can see custom block which missed update or override the core one.
Thank Pronto