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Different name to shipping table rates

Different name to shipping table rates

I have one problem with shipping table rates. I would like to put different names to each row in table rates. Because one of each rates is shipping with different company, so I would like to show the company name.

How can I include a new column to the name and that name show it in checkout and in all emails and invoices?


If anyone can help me I will be grateful.


Thank you



Re: Different name to shipping table rates

Hi @dlyw,


The way the shipping table rates works by default is that you can specify several prices per location (based on the cart total).


However, there is no way to specify several rates for the same price as you need. In order to do that, you should create a custom module to support that custom feature.



Best regards.


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Re: Different name to shipping table rates

Hi @Gabriel Guarino,

Thank you for your answer.

I use the table rate depends on shipping destination, I am from Spain and I have one price to send products to the Peninsula and other price to send products to the Canary Islands. The shipping to Peninsula is done by company shipping A, and to Canary Islands company shipping B. So when a user select Canary Island in his shipping address I would like to show shipping method B and when user select Peninsula in his shipping address I would like to show shipping method A.

Whit table rates I only can select one title for all table rate and show it always and I would like to change it


Thank you