@hannachris wrote:
Hello All,
I have recently installed on a Godaddy hosted server. I am having issues with emails coming through to customers (in testing). I have been emailing to addresses @gmail.com and another domain hosted on godaddy but a different account. Order confirmation emails are not coming through. I have read many tips and tried all or most of them including:
- Adding cron jobs in cpanel (side note: when I try to go to cron.php via web browser I get a 403 error, could this prevent the chron jobs from running? Permissions are 644 for this file).
- Installed aoeScheduler, and it indicates that heart beat is running
- Installed an SMTP configuration module
- Tried this (which worked once and then broke emails and check out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NycpWVESqhA
- made sure the email addresses were setup in "Store Email Addresses"
- Configured sales emails to also bcc me, which works fine it seems (email address on same server as magento), but only when I go to the order and hit "send email" as opposed to when the order is placed by the customer.
And probably some other things. Some of the things work once, dump all of the emails, and then stop. Anyone have any suggestions? I cannot install 2.0 as the mysql version on my server is 5.5 not 5.6.
Use the SMTP extension for that if all the emails are not working. Follow the below link of extension :
if the issue only belongs to order email then follow the below solution:
1- disable the Cron for emails (order confirmation). To do this you can go to this path:
Copy that file and bring it to this path (if the path doesn't exist create it):
And then change this line: