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Help! Site Glitches: FBfanbox extension floating around footer at random? (PHOTOS)

Help! Site Glitches: FBfanbox extension floating around footer at random? (PHOTOS)

Hello All,


I am on a quest to resolve some issues with my footer- I've attached screen caps for your reference. As you can see, my FB fan box has been arbitrarily hopping all over my footer depending on what page you click as well as even being replaced with my sales drop down menu? In my footer!? Super glitchy.


I originally thought I might need to upgrade magento (Using CE to overcome these bizarre glitches but my MagentoConnect extensions shows no necessary upgrades?? Very confused and very fresh to Magento. Any help is greatly appreciated-Correct Footer- How it should display (But is only displaying correctly on homepage)Correct Footer- How it should display (But is only displaying correctly on homepage)A Screenshot of the Error on a Category PageA Screenshot of the Error on a Category PageScreenshot of the Error on my Sales PageScreenshot of the Error on my Sales Page