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Issue image mapping with magento1.9 bulk product upload in csv format

Issue image mapping with magento1.9 bulk product upload in csv format

I had prepared the magento bulk product upload format in csv file and tested it. It's working fine, no issue in that. But, when i am uploading more than one product in the file 1st product image get mapped, after that other product images not mapped.


It's working for only one product, please review with my import file. Magento import file I am using default product import under "import/export".



Re: Issue image mapping with magento1.9 bulk product upload in csv format



As far as I know, Magento 1.9.x requires to have unique image names for each picture you add to products. The system usually adds _1 if the same image name is already on the server. I see that you have got the same image names, so this may be the reason of the issue.

Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.