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Magento 1.9 Observer - PHP 7 mail function how to set multiple recipient mail id based on condition?

Magento 1.9 Observer - PHP 7 mail function how to set multiple recipient mail id based on condition?

Following code for sending multiple recipient mail based on first digit of sku from order received,


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {

    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();

    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();

      // $this->sendMailbasedOnSku($sku);

      $message = 
      <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


    $finalMessage = 
    "<p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
    <table border='1'>
    <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
    <th>Product name</th>
    <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;

      $finalMessage .= "</table>";

      // $this->sendMail($finalMessage);




  public function sendMail($message) {

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

    if($sku == '2')


    elseif($sku == '3')


    elseif($sku == '4')



  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($message, $sku)

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    if($chk_sku == '2')

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')

    return $emailTemplate->send();

    // try{
    //   return $emailTemplate->send();
    //   Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Success message');
    // }catch (Exception $e)
    // {
    //   Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError($e->getMessage());
    // }

eg: If an order contains both 2 series of sku and 3 series of sku, order mail received only by 3 series of sku mail and not received 2 series of sku mail.

another eg. if order contains 22 (,33 (,44 ( order received only


My condition, if the order contains 2 products means to send a separate mail.


2 series of sku :


3 series of sku :


4 series of sku




Re: Magento 1.9 Observer - PHP mail function how to set sender mail id based on if condition?

Hi @Aveeva 

You are missing following code line in your sendMailbasedOnSku method.

 public function sendMailbasedOnSku($sku)

   // sku is 22302

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');   // This line is missing



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Re: Magento 1.9 Observer - PHP mail function how to set sender mail id based on if condition?

@Mukesh Tiwari  After added $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');  mail working, but if condition not working. As per my condition if sku start with 2 mail should go to but here mail received (Final email id in my if condition). How to correct my script?

Re: Magento 1.9 Observer - PHP mail function how to set sender mail id based on if condition?

@Mukesh Tiwari  Check with my updated post.