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Magento Customer Login issue & admin site login issue on Google Chrome

Magento Customer Login issue & admin site login issue on Google Chrome

Our site is and here our customer & admin site have login issue on google chrome


if our customer login once on chrome and after logout try to login again are failed to login. no error appears.


we have search this issue and got some reference that due to session or cookie cause login issue for customer and admin



we have tried many thing sunder cookie and session management but nothing works. please help us to resovle this issue.


thank you






Re: Magento Customer Login issue & admin site login issue on Google Chrome

Hi @A2ZDeveloper,


I was able to register, login, logout and login again using Chrome.


First I've registered and I was redirected to the Account dashboard.


Screen after registerScreen after register

Then I've logged out.


Logout configrmationLogout configrmation


And I was redirected to the homepage.


Logout redirectLogout redirect


At he homepage I've clicked on Login and I've filled the modal form. Thehn my user name appears on the top bar.


Second loginSecond login


I've clicked on the My Account link and I was able to access to my account dashboard.


Accoutn dashboardAccoutn dashboard

 Maybe there is some UX confussion?