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Magento changes domain when working in admin

Magento changes domain when working in admin

Hi all,

in my magento installation I have two different domains for admin section and fronted section.

When I'm working on products in magento admin section sometimes it changes the domain of the url, redirecting me to frontend domain, then going to 404.


I try to explain better:

I'm working on a product for example in the page with url:


then I click save and magento redirect me to the page:


My magento installation is on AWS and use redis to maintain session data and varnish as webcache.


I don't know how I can procede to analize and resolve. 


Could you help me, please?





Re: Magento changes domain when working in admin

Hi @davidelitrico,


Normally that will happen (being redirected to the frontend 404) when you try to access to a non-existing URL even on adminhtml.

Maybe you can validate the URL you're trying to access to see why is showing you a 404?