I need expert comment/feedback on an issue which I am facing. I have PCI compliance report for one of the Magento site I am working on. (Magento report was generated using nexpose
The PCI report states following.
"Missing Secure Flag From SSL Cookie (http-cookie-secure-flag)"
Description : The Secure attribute tells the browser to only send the cookie if the request is being sent over a secure channel such as HTTPS. This will help protect the cookie from being passed over unencrypted requests. If the application can be accessed over both HTTP and HTTPS, then there is the potential that the cookie can be sent in clear text.
Report has mentioned following references OWASP-2010: A3 and OWASP-2013: A2
Evidence for PCI compliance fail :
Cookie is not marked as secure:
cmkn0; path=/; httponly;
URL: https://www.example.com/
Solution Suggested :
For each cookie sent over SSL in your web-site, add the "Secure" flag to the cookie.
So my question is, Is it a high risk that must be handled to be fully PCI compliant?
I searched on stackoverflow.com and found following where is 'secure' tag in Magento cookie on SSL secure site? .
1) Do you think that the solution provided is good enough to overcome the issue?
2) Will upgrade to higher version of Magento help? (http://merch.docs.magento.com/ce/user_guide/content/magento/release-notes-ce-1.9.1.html)
If we switch from http connection to https connection that time no secure flag is there..
Hi Smita,
Which version of Magento are you using?
This issues was fixed in the Magento 1.9.1 version. Visit the release notes https://docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/magento/release-notes-ce-1.9.1.html
and see the following section.
You may check \app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Session\Abstract\Varien.php file for the code changes.
There is following code section
if (Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->isSecure() && empty($cookieParams['secure'])) { // secure cookie check to prevent MITM attack $secureCookieName = $sessionName . '_cid'; if (isset($_SESSION[self::SECURE_COOKIE_CHECK_KEY])) { if ($_SESSION[self::SECURE_COOKIE_CHECK_KEY] !== md5($cookie->get($secureCookieName))) { session_regenerate_id(false); $sessionHosts = $this->getSessionHosts(); $currentCookieDomain = $cookie->getDomain(); foreach (array_keys($sessionHosts) as $host) { // Delete cookies with the same name for parent domains if (strpos($currentCookieDomain, $host) > 0) { $cookie->delete($this->getSessionName(), null, $host); } } $_SESSION = array(); } else { /** * Renew secure cookie expiration time if secure id did not change */ $cookie->renew($secureCookieName, null, null, null, true, null); } } if (!isset($_SESSION[self::SECURE_COOKIE_CHECK_KEY])) { $checkId = Mage::helper('core')->getRandomString(16); $cookie->set($secureCookieName, $checkId, null, null, null, true); $_SESSION[self::SECURE_COOKIE_CHECK_KEY] = md5($checkId); } }
If you are on lower version of Magento you can update to higher version or you may have to extend this file in local code pool.
Hello @Mukesh Tiwari ,
The version is already upgraded and the same code is there,
still have the same issue.
Thank You.
I am not getting it. What is your concern?
Do you want your site to be PCI compliant?