I've recently taken on a pre-built magento store, with no handover.
I need to add a new sub-category, which I've done many times in other magento stores. Created a sub-category - is active. When I check the front-end I see a 404. I have checked all settings are the same as the other categories on the site, but it still shows a 404.
Any ideas?
could you please confirm that you have created this category under the Default category of magento ?
Also have you check in url rewrite section , where your category is showing or not ?
Yes, I have my default category - then a few other sub categories and I've created it under one of those...
There are lots of other categories within it already that had been set up before I took it over, it's sitting in the right place, is live but when the URL is entered it's a 404.
I tried re-activating an old inactive category within the same sub-category which worked, thought I could just re-work that, so changed the title (that worked), changed the URL - it then goes to a 404.
As you have changed the title of new category , you also need to change it url-key .
As currently url-key will be same like old one but it required unique, so kindly change its url-key and then save category again !!
then check at frontend.
Yes it's under the default category... see image to show what I mean... The new category I created is the third one down (beiginning with an A)...
URL re-write like this... as it is on all other categories.
Yes that's what I did - to test if I could re-work an old category that I know works. But when I changed the URL key to what I wanted it to be, it changed into a 404.
I just want to create a new category, something I've done so many times before, but it just is a 404.
We are integrated with linnworks could that be causing a problem. I've not had much experience with Linnworks.
Actually , your screenshot seems not visible to us, so its difficult to troubleshoot your issue.
Linnworks might cause the issue for the same.
Guess I'll try to find the answer elsewhere.
Categories Are for example
-Root Category
-Sub Category 1
-Sub Category 1.1 (going to 404)
-Sub Category 1.2 (working)
-Sub Category 1.3 (working)
-Sub Category 1.4 (working)
-Sub Category 2
-Sub Category 2.1 (working)
-Sub Category 2.2 (working)
-Sub Category 2.3 (working)
-Sub Category 2.4 (working)