When I upload a new product image through my Magento site the image shows up fine in that admin panel, but not on the front end. Note that this started happening recently and only occurs with new images I try to add now. All of the images that already existed prior to this week still work fine.
I have been through the list of standard fixes for this, including...
The uploaded files are selected as base image/small image/thumbnail so I didn't forget to do that, and they're jpg files well within the acceptable sizes.
I have not made any changes to the site recently (no new extensions or anything like that). I am on Magento 1.8
Hi moyer921,
Have you got any error messages in your exception.log?
Have you tried 777 permissions recursively (This will help identify if its a folder owner and or permissions problem, make sure to set them back after if it doesn't work)?
Are the images producing 404 errors or showing the default placeholder image?
Hi Sven, thanks for the reply!
To answer your questions it is showing the placeholder image instead of the image I have added, not a broken image.
I just tried changing the media folder and all subdirectories to 777 and it is still not working.
Hi Moyer,
Have you checked that the image setting are not been overridden in the store view scope?
Hi passmarketing,
How would I do that?
I don't think that's the issue but happy to check.
EDIT: I have gone into Manage Attributes and changed scope of base image and small image from "Store View" to "global" if that's what you meant, but still have the problem.
Hi Moyer,
Yes this is what I meant,
Is there anything at all showing in your system.log or exception.log? ( you'll find them in your /var/log folder )
Without properly debugging the system I can't really help much more I'm afraid.
Yeah I just don't get it. I've gone through every solution I can find. Nothing in either of those log files. Media folder is 777. PHP mem limit is 512M. GD installed. Etc etc.
It looks like it's not even creating the cache folder at all now. When I upload a file it uploads fine (for instance if I upload necklace.jpg it creates /public_html/media/catalog/product/n/e/necklace.jpg, as well as the 3 images for base, small, etc. But it won't create the cache folder. If I create the cache folder and set it to 777 the folder remains empty.
What's also weird is that even if I disabled the caches, the images still don't show up.
Sorry for the late response have you checked the folder ownership?