i am trying to speed up my magento page speed in the google page speed tester and it says i have a number of issues that need to be sorted to increase the speed - the first being javascript render blocking
I have tried to use magento internal merge Javascript but that causes errors on the front end
So how do i move the following files to stop render blocking on the site - i have tried to contact the theme creators who have not replied back to me so i am kind of stuck
This is what page speed tester says
https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js |
.../js/prototype/prototype.js |
.../js/lib/ccard.js |
.../js/prototype/validation.js |
.../js/scriptaculous/builder.js |
.../js/scriptaculous/effects.js |
.../js/scriptaculous/dragdrop.js |
.../js/scriptaculous/controls.js |
.../js/scriptaculous/slider.js |
.../js/varien/js.js |
.../js/varien/form.js |
.../js/varien/menu.js |
.../js/mage/translate.js |
.../js/mage/cookies.js |
.../js/lib/jquery/noconflict.js |
.../js/megnor/html5.js |
.../js/megnor/tm_jquery.flexslider.min.js |
.../js/megnor/megnor.min.js |
.../js/megnor/jquery.selectbox-0.2.min.js |
.../js/megnor/carousel.min.js |
.../js/megnor/jstree.min.js |
.../js/megnor/scrolltop.min.js |
.../js/megnor/cloud-zoom.1.0.2.min.js |
.../js/megnor/jquery.colorbox.min.js |
.../js/megnor/advancedmenu.js |
.../…ault/js/magento-team/cloud-zoom.1.0.2.js |
.../…nd/templatemela/MAG100213_2/js/custom.js |
.../…G100213_2/js/lib/modernizr.custom.min.js |
.../…temela/MAG100213_2/js/lib/selectivizr.js |
.../…atemela/MAG100213_2/js/lib/matchMedia.js |
.../…00213_2/js/lib/matchMedia.addListener.js |
.../…mplatemela/MAG100213_2/js/lib/enquire.js |
.../…ntend/templatemela/MAG100213_2/js/app.js |
.../…/MAG100213_2/js/lib/jquery.cycle2.min.js |
.../…0213_2/js/lib/jquery.cycle2.swipe.min.js |
.../…templatemela/MAG100213_2/js/slideshow.js |
.../…emela/MAG100213_2/js/lib/imagesloaded.js |
.../…/templatemela/MAG100213_2/js/minicart.js |
http://www.trustlogo.com/trustlogo/javascript/trustlogo.js |
any help very much appreciated
Many thanks
Hi @garethjones,
If you are using a custom theme maybe you need to start there. If you have issues with the code the merge feature won't solve it.
After you can fix that issue you can use the Merge (and maybe you can try some minifier module too). Another idea is to use a CDN as you've tried.
Also, you try if this module helps you a little bit: https://github.com/bobbyshaw/magento-footer-js
I installed the plugin and pagespeed score is great, but when I add a product to cart, the shopping cart is stopped work.
May I know what's the problem?
Hi @tonyzyc,
Wituhout checking the code it will be a little bit hard to know but maybe you should check your browser's console and the Magento logs.
Also, you can, if the problem is the module, create an issue: https://github.com/bobbyshaw/magento-footer-js/issues