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PayPal Express Checkout problem. Throwing a 0.00 amount.

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PayPal Express Checkout problem. Throwing a 0.00 amount.

Hi all, 


We're having a problem with the PayPal Express checkout option. As you may know there are 3 types of payment action:


1. Authorisation

2. Sale

3. Order


If the Authorisation option is ticked, an order placed with PP express this will go through fine! (apart from us having to manually capture the order). If the type is on either Sale or Order, i get the following message after this standard process is followed:


1. A customer puts an item in their cart
2. Presses PayPal Express as their option to checkout
3. Website transfers them over to PayPal to login
4. PayPal successfully transfers line items and shipping costs
5. Customer confirms and presses pay
6. They get redirected to an order review page with the following error:


PayPal gateway has rejected request. This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero (#10525: Invalid Data). The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts (#10413: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details).

Now, i took this up with PayPal merchant support, their response is as follows:


token "EC-6S48740996188474G"
paymentaction "Sale"
method "DoExpressCheckoutPayment"
version "72.0"
currencycode "GBP"
amt "0.00" <----------------------------------------------------------------- Total amount is set to 0
itemamt "9.83"
notifyurl ""

timestamp "2015-10-14T15:33:53Z"
correlationid "3e84b2f9717e6"
ack "Failure"
version "72.0"
build "18308778"
errorcode 10525 10413
shortmessage "Invalid Data" "Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details."
longmessage "This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero." "The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts."
severitycode "Error" "Error"
errorparamid "" ""
errorparamvalue "" ""

This indicates to some issue with your integration and in this case yuo eould have to get in touch with your Webmaster or Magento support and ask them to check why you have this issue when you switch in your shopping cart settings to Sale or Order.

I was wondering if you guys had any idea on how to sort this? 


Greatly appreciate your help.







Re: PayPal Express Checkout problem. Throwing a 0.00 amount.

Did you manage to solve this problem? I am also getting the error "transaction cannot be processed - the amount to be charged is zero (#10525: invalid data)." from PayPal when using Magento CE1.9.



Re: PayPal Express Checkout problem. Throwing a 0.00 amount.

Hi Dan,


Did you ever figure out what this issue was?




Re: PayPal Express Checkout problem. Throwing a 0.00 amount.

Was this error ever figured out? can't find any information online, but this is the exact same error I am getting. In short here is the process:


[ITEMAMT] => 20.75
[TAXAMT] => 4.15
[AMT] => 24.90
[ITEMAMT] => 20.75
[TAXAMT] => 4.15
[AMT] => 0.00
[ITEMAMT] => 24.90
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10525
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Data
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero.



During the DoExpressCheckoutPayment process the AMT is returned as 0.00


Can anyone help?