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Prevent Carding

Prevent Carding

In the last month, my site is hit hard with carding attempts (almost 2000/day). I've been looking for a solution but since the holidays are here, was more busy selling.

Yesterday, paypal called saying I have 48 hrs to stop this or my account is suspended so I am now freaking out.

I've researched quite a bit on this online in the past few weeks and found very little solutions, does anybody have experience with this ? I use Magento.

Here is what doesnt help:
1) Magento captcha on checkout.
2) Paypal fraud filters (I need to block them from reaching paypal)
3) Sucuri firewall which I am using in the last 2 years.

Paypal suggested session velocity but I cant seem to find a magento solution for that.


How do I stop this ?


Re: Prevent Carding

1) Magento captcha on checkout.

CAPTCHA for the Dashboard Login form. The following steps should be performed to have it activated:

  1. Navigate to System> Configuration > Advanced> Admin section in the Dashboard.
  2. Select ‘CAPTCHA’ from the list of available items. Select YES for ‘Enable CAPTCHA in Admin’ to
  3. Use ‘Save Config’ button to update the changes.

Captcha shows up in the login page now according to the settings above.

CAPTCHA for the Contact form. In order to protect contact form with captcha, additional extension should be installed and configured. Steps to perform are the following:

  1. Navigate to the System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager. A new extension for the captcha will be installed through this section. Magento may prompt you to log in again as administrator.
  2. Open Contacts Form Captcha page. You have to be a registered user to get the extension. Use your details at Magento official site to log in at first. Perform the following then:
    1. Click ‘Install Now’ button.
    2. Select ‘Magento Connect 2.0’ version and agree to the terms of use.
    3. Next, you have to press ‘Get Extension Key’ button to get the URL for extension. Copy the key you’ll get:
  3. Return to the admin panel of the store. Navigate to System> Configuration> General> Contacts> Contacts Form Captcha. Here you can enable the captcha for contact form and edit the settings:
    1. Click YES for ‘Enable Captcha’ first of all;
    2. Public Key: type Google reCAPTCHA site key here;
    3. Private Key: type your Google reCAPTCHA secret key here;
    4. reCaptcha Theme: select the layout interface here for the captcha form;
    5. ReCaptcha Language: choose the language for the captcha interface:
  4. Use ‘Save Config’ button to update the changes and check the contact page of the site. Captcha has been successfully applied to it.

Using this url for Adding reCAPTCHA to your site generate Site Key and  Secret Key



2) Paypal fraud filters (I need to block them from reaching paypal)

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