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Product ordered but doesn't appear in catalogue

Product ordered but doesn't appear in catalogue

A client has reported that a product that doesn't appear in the catalog (it was in the catalog but was deleted some weeks ago) has just been purchased by a customer. Looking both on the front end and admin, I cannot find the product, yet it appeared in an order last night.


Other than assuming that the client has removed the product from the catalog AFTER the order was placed (which they insist they haven't) can anyone suggest how this may have occured?


Re: Product ordered but doesn't appear in catalogue


Certainly an interested one - so I've got a few suggestions - although I don't know if any of these are possible... but they might be avenues to explore to recreate the issue:

  • was the product already in their basket from a previous session
  • was the product in the customers wishlist?
  • How was the product disabled... was it removed from the category tree... did it have its visibility changed to not be visible in catalog or did it have its status changed?

Do let us know if you find anything out about this.

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