I'm using the version of Magento
I'm using Delphi to integration with Magento api:
My Code is:
login := loginParam.Create;
login.username := '*****';
login.apiKey := '*****';
pt := GetPortType(true);
sessao_id := pt.login(login);
stockdata := catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity.Create;
stockdata.qty := '10';
stockdata.is_in_stock := 1; //Inform if the product is available or not
createProduct := catalogProductCreateEntity.Create;
createProduct.websites := websites;
createProduct.status := '1';
createProduct.visibility := '4';
createProduct.name_ := 'Nome Produto Configuravel';
createProduct.description := 'Description do Produto #2';
createProduct.short_description := 'Short Description do Produto #2';
createProduct.stock_data := stockdata;
createProduct.price := '6.50';
createProduct.weight := '1';
newProduct := catalogProductCreateRequestParam.Create;
newProduct.sessionId := sessao_id.result;
newProduct.type_ := 'configurable';
newProduct.set_ := '4';
newProduct.sku := 'sku-configurable-01';
newProduct.productData := createProduct;
product_id := pt.catalogProductCreate(newProduct);
Observation: I'm posting at this Forum because in Brazil forum nobody answered me
Sorry my inglish, i'm from Brazil
I'm needing help, i can't find a solution for my problem.
I am creating a configurable product in magento api with soap v2, and i can create the product, but when i access the product fur magento, show up the configurable attribute to select.
How do i do to select these configurable attribute in api?
My configurable attribute are Color, Size, Voltage and Brand.
Which version of Magento are you using?
Can you share the code your executing to create the product?
Did you know there is an internation section into the forums and you'll find portuguese as option? https://community.magento.com/t5/Portuguese/bd-p/brazil
Can you check if this thread is useful enough?