Having some really strange issues with a magento installation. Until recently it has been running just fine, but this week I am unable to complete orders. When I goto the ship order page and click on the submit button nothing happens.
On one of my computers this only affected Microsoft Edge (still working in chrome and firefox), but on the other PC it doesn't work in any browser. I have tried clearing all cache, but no luck.
According to the debug console in Edge it seems to be this function that could be causing the problem:
function submitShipment(btn){
var checkbox = $(btn).up('.order-totals').select('#create_shipping_label')[0];
if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
} else if(editForm.submit()) {
it's giving me an $ is undefined error.
Magento version is
Any ideas?
It looks like your browsers has trouble loading or initialising prototype.js
Thanks for the reply Pronto, based on it I could see that some people had issues wih prototype.js due to windows 10, but the lastest update solved this. So I tried updating windows, but it didn't change anything.
In edge, only the top buttons are visible (see below), in firefox/chrome/safari the page is displayed, but no buttons working.