I installed a new Magento version, but after i visited the site, it says it can't be reached?
How is this happening? what may cause the issue?do i need to edit something first? please help. thanks!
How did you install the Magento store?
Are you able to access the Admin backend?
i was able to fixed the issue by changing my domain name. But i got another problem where i can't login the credentials i set for the magento admin when i installed it. i got my domain hosted on godaddy and everytime i saved my credentials its getting timed out. Also, i used the reset password link on the magento admin login page,but there's no email notif for the reset.
Without looking at your specific environment, it can be quite hard to find the exact cause.
Do make sure that you are able to store sessions with the correct file permissions for your environment and no timeout settings is affecting your login.
As for emails, make sure that you have setup the Magento Cron Job which is used to send out emails.
Yes I agree, without looking at the actual environment its difficult to advice on the the issue