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Unable add products

Unable add products

when i try to upload a product from the Magento 1.9.3 backoffice i get a "500 internal server error". See image.

What can this error depend on?


Magento error Magento error


Re: Unable add products



Re: Unable add products

Hello @angelo_benincasa 

Did you install any extension recently?

Any changes made on server side recently if you remember?

Few other options to trace


  1. Check the Magento logs, you can find these in MAGENTO_ROOT/var/log
  2. Check the error report that has been generated for this error. I'm not 100% sure if all Magento versions generate these, they might have to be enabled somewhere. If they are being made, they will appear in MAGENTO_ROOT/var/report
  3. Check your web server error logs if you have access to those. Usually found under /var/log or a directory under your account if you are on a shared hosing environment.
  4. Enable error logging in your PHP configuration. Run a <?php phpinfo(); ?> to see what php.ini your server is using, edit that file, and set log_errors = On and define a log path (which requires write permissions for the account that PHP runs under) with the error_log = /path/to/php.error.log directive.

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Re: Unable add products

Hello @Gaurav_Jain02 


I have not installed anything or made any other changes.

I think the error is this in the error log:
2021-03-14T13: 53: 34 + 00: 00 ERR (3): Deprecated functionality: The each () function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /public_html/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend.php on line 79




2021-03-15 18:25:57 UTC [apache][access_compat:error] [pid 87638] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /home/u2-h9twb2rhnkzm/www/

Re: Unable add products

Hello @angelo_benincasa 

Error could be from php version, can you please confirm , are you using php 5.6 or not?


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Re: Unable add products

Hi @Gaurav_Jain02 


the php version is 7.3.27

Re: Unable add products

You should lower your php version to 5.6 and try.

If its not available go for php7 and install this inchoo php7 compatibility extension. I am hoping you won't have installed the patch from Magento


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Re: Unable add products

I had the same issue on then I update it to newest version.