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What Commands Can I Embed In Magento URLs?

What Commands Can I Embed In Magento URLs?

I learned the other day that if I link to a home site checkout with this link structure: 
/checkout/cart/couponPost/coupon_code/INSERTCODEHERE That it'll auto-apply the coupon if the customer has something in their cart (so it's perfect for abandon cart emails). I have two questions: A) Is there a way to have a link auto apply a coupon code stored in Magento without having to put items in thier cart? B) Are there other URL functional commands I can use besides the CouponPost one?

Re: What Commands Can I Embed In Magento URLs?

Hello @david_cohen1 


If there is no item in cart how you can apply coupon code in cart? To apply coupon code you should have to create a quote/ cart. 

Manish Mittal

Re: What Commands Can I Embed In Magento URLs?

There's ways with some platforms to have a coupon code embedded into a URl so that when the customer eventually adds items to cart, it applies the coupon.


The issue with the magento short link I am using now that was in my first post is that it will only work if you link directly to cart and they already have an item in their cart. If they have nothing in there but click the link, the coupon post code doesn't stay with that customer's journey, so when they eventually go back to cart, they have to still put the code in manually.

Re: What Commands Can I Embed In Magento URLs

Yeah that kind of customisation we can do or third party plugin can use but
Native Magento do not provide such kind of functionality.
Manish Mittal