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How call category SEO Heading Extension for Magento

How call category SEO Heading Extension for Magento



I'm quite new and i can't find the way to put code in the magento to call extension:



i realy don't understand how call this extension from phtml.


i was try put cod on different ways after breadcrumbs:

        <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs')
        <?php echo $category->getCreareCategoryHeading() ?>




Thanks for help,




Re: How call category SEO Heading Extension for Magento

As you can see from the modules’ code, it doing the rewrite of the standard category model, substituting the method getName with the improved one. In other words, you don’t need to do anything to call the required category name. Just use method getName of categories’ object, like:



where $category class exemplar Mage_Catalog_Model_Category (Creare_Seoheading_Model_Category

after the rewrite.

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