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Issue with custom block and Magento Enterprise

Issue with custom block and Magento Enterprise

I have a custom block that I'm using to display a featured category on cms pages. Everything is working fine on my local machine (ver. but when I upload to the server (ver. it's not show any products.



$_categoryId = $this->getCategoryId();

$_sortOrder = $this->getData('sortOrder') ?: "ASC";
$_sortBy = $this->getData('sortBy') ?: "price";
$_maxCount = $this->getData('max') ?: 20;
$_blockLabel = $this->getData('label');

$_productCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categoryId)
  ->addAttributeToFilter('status', 1)
  ->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', 4)
  ->setOrder($_sortBy, $_sortOrder);

<?php echo $_categoryId; ?>

<!-- processing php/html -->

This is how I'm calling it from the cms page:

{{block type="core/template" category_id="46" label="Audio" template="custom/featured-product.phtml" }}


It's echoing the $_categoryId out correctly, and I've verified that the category has products in it.


I must be missing something really simple! Any ideas what could be wrong?


Re: Issue with custom block and Magento Enterprise

Hi @NateW


Is your Magento is patched with SUPEE-6788 patch? If yes then you have to white list your custom block. (System >permission>blocks)

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Re: Issue with custom block and Magento Enterprise

Thanks so much for looking at this! I've really been struggling with it.


It must not be because patched because I don't see a 'blocks' section in System->Permission.


Any other ideas why it's not showing up?