I have just checked my website and for some reason the mega menu has stopped dropping down with the category's. It still seems to change colour on the hover but the category's are not dropping down at the same time. Any help would be great.
The site is www.marineaquafarm.co.uk
Thank you
You don't have any obvious JS errors that are red flagging.
Code just doesn't stop working. Something either has been changed in the DB settings or something has been edited/removed/added in the code. Assuming you have your code in version control, I would go back and see what has been edited lately and try to pinpoint the issue.
Also, if you haven't changed any code recently, I would diff your server with your version control to see if any unauthorized changes have occurred.
Hello, thank you for the response, I have tried looking into what this could be and still cant seem to find any reason for it.
Really stuck with this one now, Im not a website designer so my knowledge is quite limited and really struggling of what to look for.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
What was your fix for this scenario? I've just had the same thing happen.