Hi All,
Before I jump off a high bridge and top myself with frustration, please can someone offer any insight?
My hosting company is trying random things by the looks with the cron.
When I try and upgrade to 2.0.4 I am getting the errors shown in the screen shot "ready1" jpeg.
My cron jobs now look like the screen shot "cron1" jpeg.
My cron jobs are now like this because my host is poking around in the dark, it is a shared host package.
Given all the details below regarding domain name, username, cron requirements and the fact that Magento is running from the root of the domain - can anyone tell me what I need in the cron jobs - with the correct syntax?
Cheers All.
You might want to ask this in the appropriate section over in Magento 2.x > Version Upgrades
i am also suffering same problem . No one helping me . Magento 2.4 is best but still have to work on it . Everyone is suffering from magento 2.4