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How to solve Catalog Rule Product Status: REINDEX REQUIRED

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How to solve Catalog Rule Product Status: REINDEX REQUIRED


I have a problem in admin, One or more indexers are invalid. Make sure your Magento cron job is running.

I am using cpanel in host. How can i solve this problem?


Thank you for your help!



Re: How to solve Catalog Rule Product Status: REINDEX REQUIRED

Do you have the access to magento CLI ?

We perform reindexing via that terminal in M2.

If you don't have the ftp access, create one via cpanel and login via putty.

Use ftp credentials over there and then migrate to your magento directory and hit the following command

bin/magento indexer:reindex

Re: How to solve Catalog Rule Product Status: REINDEX REQUIRED



There are two ways to update Magento2 index: 

  • Via Magento Admin Panel
    • If you don't have access to the SSH shell, you can update M2 index by Going to System - Index Managemnt and select all options. Once selected, change the Index method from "Update on Schedule" to "Update on Save". 
    • Update on save will update indexes whenever you complete an action in Magento which requires index update. 
  • Magento CLI - SSH SHEL access required
    • If you are not on a shared hosting server then it's likely that you'd be given a SHELL access. You should do the following to update index via Magento CLI. 
      • Login to your Magento Shell
      • Go to your Magento root directory
      • Run the following
      • php bin/magento indexer:reindex 
Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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