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Magento Connect Manager

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Magento Connect Manager



We are quite new to Magento and everything has been fine (great product by the way)  but just recently our access to the connect manager fails.

When we try to login after a short will it fails with a 504 Gateway error.


Does anyone know why this has started to happen


Any help would really be appreciated.





Re: Magento Connect Manager

504 is a gateway timeout error.

You should adjust timeouts for your web server.

Re: Magento Connect Manager



Thanks for your reply.

We have had our ISP check this for us and although they did adjust the timeouts we are still having the issue.


They checked the logs for us and said some queries were running to long causing the timeout

Here is a snippet of the log they sent to us

5. Executed 6h 20m 45s ago for 5.097794 sec on Database --> theplan8_aw
Date: 2016-04-26 10:43:19 Query_time: 5.097794 Rows_examined: 65: Rows_sent 65 Lock_time: 0.050149
# Schema: theplan8_aw Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0 SELECT `core_resource`.* FROM `core_resource`;
6. Executed 7h 3m 47s ago for 4.513877 sec on Database --> theplan8_aw
Date: 2016-04-26 10:00:17 Query_time: 4.513877 Rows_examined: 3: Rows_sent 3 Lock_time: 0.052631
# Schema: theplan8_aw Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0 SELECT `core_website`.`website_id`, `core_website`.`code`, `core_website`.`name` FROM `core_website`;


Do you know what would cause these queries to run so slow and what we could do to solve it.




Re: Magento Connect Manager



Just an update on this issue which has been resolved.


The site was inherited and our ISP discovered that one of the settings for FTP was still pointing to the old domain.

He changed this and everything is now working fine




Re: Magento Connect Manager

I have created username :  and it password which I have created in magento website for purchasing extensions. And I am using same on going in my website admin page then I go to System Tab>Magento Connect>Magento Connect manager> than new page appear I say to put magento connect username and password I put the same as given above after login it give a massage

  • Invalid user name or password
  • Access is locked. Please try again in a few minutes.

Now what to do I have made same user name and password mention above but still given problem. what type of username and password it require for?? I same username and password I used for magento form I used in magento connect manager.. please guide us.