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RabbitMQ with an existing Magento 2.3.1 CE not working (REST async api)

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RabbitMQ with an existing Magento 2.3.1 CE not working (REST async api)


i tried to configure RabbitMQ with an existing Magento 2.3.1 CE Bitnami-Instance.

When using async rest api endpoints i get the following messages in the system dashboard:

Task "Thema": 0 item(s) are currently being updated.0 item(s) have been scheduled for update.

what i did:

- Installed RabbitMQ and created the queue "async.operations.all"

- changed configuration in env.php

'queue' =>
array (
'amqp' =>
array (
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '5672',
'user' => '<username>',
'password' => '<password>',
'virtualhost' => '/',
'ssl' => false


php bin/magento queue:consumers:start async.operations.all

The connection in RabbitMQ is visible.


But no messages arrive in queue "async.operations.all".


Any help would be much appreciated
