We are rebuilding our website, and I haven't used Magento for a while, I'm creating a few Attribute sets and Product Attributes, so the product creators who add/edit/delete products are creating the correct information, based on the product type.
I have created the first Attribute set, and I have the following appear on the Add Product form, but I can't find some of these as they don't appear on the attribute set.
How do I move these around, so they would appear in the order marked out in red in the image, or remove them altogether if possible?
The reason for this is the current site is so messed up from previous attempts from previous developers, the product creators are either using the wrong attribute sets or missing information for the product, as nothing is in any logical order.
Hello @mallongstoaf62
Yes, in Magento 2, you can change the product attribute set for an existing product. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when doing this:
How to Change the Product Attribute Set in Magento 2:
Log in with your admin credentials.
Go to Catalog > Products.
Find and select the product you want to edit.
Once you have selected the product, you will be taken to the product edit page.
On the product edit page, under the General tab, you will see a field labeled Attribute Set.
Use the dropdown menu to select the new attribute set for the product.
After selecting the new attribute set, click Save to apply the changes.
Important Considerations:
Changing the attribute set will affect which attributes are available for the product. Attributes that are part of the old attribute set but not part of the new one will be removed from the product.
Hope it helps !
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Hello @johnwebdes40a5,
I'm sorry I think you misunderstood, I know how the product attributes work and how to create them, but I would like to learn how to reorder the sections, so they are in a logical order.