Hi everyone!
I'm having a ''hard time'' understanding the difference I see between the salable qty and the in stock qty for a specific item.
I have 10 in stock but 0 salable qty. I understand the concept and difference between salable and in-stock qty. I know the reason is supposed to be because I have 10 unshipped processing order for that item.
But can we get a report showing for which order(s) and item is reserved for and that would explain the difference between salable and in-stock qty.
Thank you for your help!
Saleable qty is introduced in magento 2.3 with MSI.
Saleable qty is available qty for sell, ordered qty saved in reservation table.
For more info:
I hope it will help you!
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Hi @Bhanu Periwal,
Thank you for your answer. So from what I understand we need to consult the DB.
I think that would be a cool report to have in the CMS.
A report showing every simple product waiting to be shipped and the order attached to it would be great!