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Shipping Extension - Specifically FedEx

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Shipping Extension - Specifically FedEx



We are porting our site to Magento 2.1.2 and we are having difficulty with Shipping.  Our old system has more options to choose from for shipping extensions.


1) FedEx returns different rates for residential addresses and business addresses.  The call this "Home Delivery" and "Ground".  Out magento site is not doing this.  Is it a configuration problem?  Is it supported at all in Magento 2 ?  We need to offer both, depending what the address that the customer enters.


2) Free Delivery on orders over $500 in the Continental US.  the shipping is Ground/Home Delivery.  We can configure this for the US, but restricting it to Continental US (not Alaska nor Hawaii) is not working.  We found a blog with instructions for Mag.1 and adopted it, but it is not working consistently. The blog is here :  


3) We want to offer the free shipping in the USA, but still want to offer shipping to all countries.  He have not been able to get this to happen.


4) Error messages to the customer if shipping weight is not set (currently this is flagged with a shipping weight of 9999,but if need we can change that.


Can this be done in the standard FedEx shipping function?

Is there an extension that offers more control ?


Thanks for you response

