What is "Sort by Position" in product list page?
Hi @bevv
On the backend - Magento admin panel if you go to Manage categories and click on any specific category - you will find a section called product in category - over there you will see a position text box with each product !
So whatever position you will given over here - on the frontend when you choose sort by position it will re-arrange/showcase all your products based on the position you have given !
So it is mainly for Product sequence and manageable from magento admin panel !
Hope it helps ~!
Hello @bevv
Whenever you assign the products to any category in the backend, all the products get added to that category one by one with position value.
You can change this position value from Magento Admin > Catalog > Categories
Then how are the products sorted if category ID is same?
A product is sorted for a category with the same id by getting collection of products.
For Sort by Price,
Product collection of specific category first load, Set Order by Asc/Desc price for a collection and based on that for the same category Product collection will load as Price sorting.
For Sort By Name,
Product collection of specific category first load, Set Order by Asc/Desc name of a product from a collection and based on that for the same category Product collection will load as Name sorting.