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Allow change of the PayPal button flavour

Allow change of the PayPal button flavour

If your locale is not set to en_US, the PayPal module uses the really old button style:


 Pasted image at 2017_01_19 12_59 AM.png

It would be better for an admin to be able to choose the PayPal button flavour inside the payment method, and have the following choices:


Also, see Magento\Paypal\Model\Config line 983 (Magento 2.1.3)

1 Comment
M2 Certified

For others stumbling across this idea - it's actually surprisingly easy to change. Create a plugin with `type` `name` `Magento\Paypal\Model\Config` with the following method:


    public function afterGetExpressCheckoutInContextImageUrl($localeCode, $result)
        return "";