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Create store view using the command line

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Create store view using the command line

Feature request from scholtz, posted on GitHub Feb 01, 2016

Hi, it would be cool, if someone could setup the shop using the command line. For example to set the other language, someone would need just this code to run on command line:

composer config repositories.atconnect composer
composer require atconnect/magento-two-language-de-de:2.*

php bin/magento setup:store-view:new "Main Website Store" DE de 1 1
php bin/magento setup:store-view:edit setLang de_DE

I know that setup:store-view: does not exists, so please give to this post label "improvement" or "feature request"


New Member

Comment from TommyKolkman, posted on GitHub Feb 23, 2016

Agree! Saves me a lot of clicking!

New Member

Comment from Vinai, posted on GitHub Feb 23, 2016

:+1: from me to being able to create websites store views on the command line. However, I don't know if this should be part of the core. It could be provided by a community extension.

Maybe setting the language can already already be done using bin/magento setup:store-config:set --language=de_DE


$ bin/magento help setup:store-config:set                                                                                                                    ✖ ✹ ✚ ✭
 setup:store-config:set [--base-url="..."] [--language="..."] [--timezone="..."] [--currency="..."] [--use-rewrites="..."] [--use-secure="..."] [--base-url-secure="..."] [--use-secure-admin="..."] [--admin-use-security-key="..."] [--magento-init-params="..."]
Occasional Contributor
Hi guys, my opinion is that the border between the internally programmed cli and extension app is that the native cli should allow the first or basic setup of the store.. setting up the other languages or store view i believe is really quite basic setup and should not be difficult to create by the magento team..