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Dashboard grid Last Orders shows guests name instead of actual customer name

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Dashboard grid Last Orders shows guests name instead of actual customer name

Feature request from blizzardengle, posted on GitHub Nov 22, 2016

The dashboard on Magento 2.0+ chooses to display Guest in place of the customers actual name on the Last Orders grid when the customer checkouts without being logged-in.


  1. Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2) login to a store that has had customers check out as guests.
  2. Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name; the original poster (OP) attached an image into their post.
  3. This seems to be the offending file but I could be wrong: vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/templates/dashboard/grid.phtml

Expected result

The Last Orders grid should show who actually placed the order (Billing Name) instead of guest regardless of the fact that they were logged in or not.

Actual result

Look at the OP's screenshot. Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name

This issue was raised before but got closed because of formatting and lack of updates, see: #6995

New Member
Status changed to: Investigating
New Member

Comment from SerhiyShkolyarenko, posted on GitHub Nov 24, 2016

@blizzardengle thank you for cooperation! Current state corresponds our internal requirements to dashboard, so we don't treat this issue as a bug. Your request was added to a story for dashboard improvement(MAGETWO-11358), but it's not guaranteed to be implemented this way. Please submit this improvement to the new Magento 2 Feature Requests and Improvements forum (see details here).

Regular Visitor

Agreed. This would make way more sense to show the billing first / last name than "Guest"