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interface segregation principle

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interface segregation principle

I think we can divide Repository interfaces into multiple Extension providers don't need to provide implementation for all methods in interfaces.

interface CustomerRepositorySaveInterface
* Create or update a customer.
* @param \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface $customer
* @param string $passwordHash
* @return \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\InputException If bad input is provided
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\State\InputMismatchException If the provided email is already used
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function save(\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface $customer, $passwordHash = null);

interface CustomerRepositoryGetInterface
* Retrieve customer.
* @param string $email
* @param int|null $websiteId
* @return \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException If customer with the specified email does not exist.
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function get($email, $websiteId = null);
* Get customer by customer ID.
* @param int $customerId
* @return \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException If customer with the specified ID does not exist.
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function getById($customerId);
* Retrieve customers which match a specified criteria.
* This call returns an array of objects, but detailed information about each object’s attributes might not be
* included. See to determine
* which call to use to get detailed information about all attributes for an object.
* @param \Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaInterface $searchCriteria
* @return \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerSearchResultsInterface
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function getList(\Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaInterface $searchCriteria);

interface CustomerRepositoryDeleteInterface
* Delete customer.
* @param \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface $customer
* @return bool true on success
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function delete(\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface $customer);
* Delete customer by ID.
* @param int $customerId
* @return bool true on success
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function deleteById($customerId);
class CustomerRepository implements \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositorySaveInterface,\Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryGetInterface,\Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryDeleteInterface