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setup:static-content:deploy, setup:di:compile and deploy:mode:set will not return a non-zero exit...

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setup:static-content:deploy, setup:di:compile and deploy:mode:set will not return a non-zero exit...

Feature request from moleman, posted on GitHub Jan 21, 2016

When you run commands in an build environment, like Jenkins, you want the commands to return a non-zero exit code if an error occurred so that Jenkins can fail the build.

Currently if any error occurs when you run setup:static-content:deploy it will not return a non-zero exit code which makes the build succeed even though the build is incomplete.


=== frontend -> Vaimo/XXX -> en_US ===
Compilation from source:
variable @media-common is undefined in file /XXX/en_US/css/source/_theme.less in _theme.less on line 24, column 9
22| //  Global
23| //  _____________________________________________
24| & when (@media-common = true) {
25|     .svg-link {
26|         pointer-events: none;
27|     }>

This will make the generation of static files to stop right in the middle because of an error but it will still not return a non-zero exit code which makes the build incomplete and Jenkins will not know about it.

The same behaviour occurs when you run setup:di:compile and when you switch deploy mode with deploy:mode:set. All of these commands should return a non-zero exit code if any error occurs.

New Member

Comment from erikhansen, posted on GitHub Mar 10, 2016

+1 for fixing this issue. I just experienced the problem with failures not returning a non-zero return code. I am using Capistrano to deploy to stage/production servers. I run bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -q as a part of my deployment process. I ran into an issue where there was a LESS compilation error, but since the return code was 0, Capistrano continued with the deployment. This resulted in the site site being updated with a broken frontend since the CSS did not compile.

New Member

Comment from erikhansen, posted on GitHub Mar 10, 2016

@Magento - I did some digging into this, and it looks like what needs to happen is that the execute methods (that use the Symfony Console library) need to return "1" when there is an error. This isn't documented in the Symfony documentation, but you can see an example of it on this page:

So if you search for all instances of $output->writeln('<error>, you'll see at least most of the places that you need to update.

For example, the \Magento\Setup\Console\Command\AdminUserCreateCommand::execute method ( should change from this:

if ($errors) {
    $output->writeln('<error>' . implode('</error>' . PHP_EOL .  '<error>', $errors) . '</error>');

to this:

if ($errors) {
    $output->writeln('<error>' . implode('</error>' . PHP_EOL .  '<error>', $errors) . '</error>');
    return 1;
New Member

Comment from fooman, posted on GitHub Mar 28, 2016

Seems there is already a PR for this

New Member

Comment from erikhansen, posted on GitHub Mar 28, 2016

@Fooman Yes, you are correct. Thanks for sharing. Once that PR gets merged, this ticket should be closed.