Feature request from moleman, posted on GitHub Jan 21, 2016
When you run commands in an build environment, like Jenkins, you want the commands to return a non-zero exit code if an error occurred so that Jenkins can fail the build.
Currently if any error occurs when you run setup:static-content:deploy it will not return a non-zero exit code which makes the build succeed even though the build is incomplete.
=== frontend -> Vaimo/XXX -> en_US ===
Compilation from source:
variable @media-common is undefined in file /XXX/en_US/css/source/_theme.less in _theme.less on line 24, column 9
22| // Global
23| // _____________________________________________
24| & when (@media-common = true) {
25| .svg-link {
26| pointer-events: none;
27| }>
This will make the generation of static files to stop right in the middle because of an error but it will still not return a non-zero exit code which makes the build incomplete and Jenkins will not know about it.
The same behaviour occurs when you run setup:di:compile and when you switch deploy mode with deploy:mode:set. All of these commands should return a non-zero exit code if any error occurs.