I am currently working on a Magento 2 EE project which contains 50+ extensions, 27K+ catalog, 65k+ customers, 50k+ orders and traffic size would be 4000-5000 visitors per day. Anyone knows which server hosting provider I should suggest to the client like AWS, Magemojo, nexcess etc.
V:2.1.8 EE
Thanks in advance.
Are you looking for a fully managed solution where the provider will handle both infrastructure and server management or are you looking for a self-managed solution where the provider only handles infrastructure while you handle the server management side?
Based on your examples, AWS is self-managed and it is very different from managed providers like Nexcess or MageMojo.
Thanks @JLHC
Actually, the client is looking for a Managed hosting provider. So is there any way we get managed AWS host? what do you think?
There are quite a few managed AWS hosting, some tailored for Magento while some don't.
If your client is looking for a managed hosting provider, I suggest that you do not limit yourself to just AWS as there are quite a few managed hosting providers around who are tailored for Magento.
If you can support clients with optimizing Magento, chose AWS, otherwise go Magejojo or Nexcess