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Pipeline Deployment questions

Pipeline Deployment questions

Our business is currently running Magento 2.3.4 CE on several self-hosted servers - one that hosts the database, redis instance, and admin server, plus several frontend servers. Right now we are using manual methods to develop and deploy code between systems. I'm investigating what it would take to implement the Magento Pipeline Deployment process, starting with the documentation here: Pipeline Deployment


I have a few questions for anyone familiar with the process:


  1. Under Development System Setup requirements, it says "All Magento code is under source control in the same repository as the build and production systems". What does "all Magento code" refer to? Does this mean all of the core Magento code as provided by Magento's distribution, or does this just mean any Magento-related code you have written yourself?
  2. In general it's really not clear to me what code is actually pulled from your git repo and what code is pulled from elsewhere. I'd love to see an example of someone's pipeline deployment repo to see how this is set up.
  3. If you're using Pipeline Deployment, and you want to upgrade to a new version of Magento, how do you do that? This isn't covered either in Magento's upgrade documentation or Pipeline Deployment documentation.
  4. How do you handle upgrades with Pipeline Deployment if you have multiple production servers?