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SQL Performance

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SQL Performance

Hi, following query takes very very long time (over 30 minutes) to finish. 


I have database under disk with 2GB/s IO capabilities, and most cores are idle.. It takes probably one core to max, and tries to process the query. Perhaps some index is missing?


It is fresh Magento 2.3.3 installation with sampledata installed.. 


Should I file bug report?


INSERT INTO `search_tmp_5dc53d541f7be3_24515526` 
SELECT `main_select`.`entity_id`, 
       Sum(score) AS `relevance` 
FROM   (SELECT DISTINCT `search_index`.`entity_id`, 
                        ( ( ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 
                            ) + ( 0 
                            ) + ( 0 ) + ( 0 
                                ( 0 ) + ( 0 ) ) * 1 ) AS `score` 
        FROM   `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `search_index` 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `color_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `color_filter`.`attribute_id` = 93 
                          AND `color_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `material_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `material_filter`.`attribute_id` = 137 
                          AND `material_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `size_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = `size_filter`.`entity_id` 
                          AND `size_filter`.`attribute_id` = 142 
                          AND `size_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `eco_collection_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `eco_collection_filter`.`attribute_id` = 143 
                          AND `eco_collection_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `performance_fabric_filter`.`attribute_id` = 144 
                          AND `performance_fabric_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `new_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = `new_filter`.`entity_id` 
                          AND `new_filter`.`attribute_id` = 146 
                          AND `new_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `sale_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = `sale_filter`.`entity_id` 
                          AND `sale_filter`.`attribute_id` = 147 
                          AND `sale_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `style_general_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `style_general_filter`.`attribute_id` = 150 
                          AND `style_general_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `pattern_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `pattern_filter`.`attribute_id` = 153 
                          AND `pattern_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `climate_filter` 
                       ON `search_index`.`entity_id` = 
                          AND `climate_filter`.`attribute_id` = 154 
                          AND `climate_filter`.`store_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_status` AS `stock_index` 
                       ON stock_index.product_id = search_index.entity_id 
                          AND `stock_index`.`website_id` = 0 
                          AND `stock_index`.`stock_status` = 1 
                          AND `stock_index`.`stock_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_status` AS 
                       ON sub_products_stock_index.product_id = 
                          AND `sub_products_stock_index`.`website_id` = 0 
                          AND `sub_products_stock_index`.`stock_status` = 1 
                          AND `sub_products_stock_index`.`stock_id` = 1 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_eav` AS `visibility_filter` 
                       ON search_index.entity_id = visibility_filter.entity_id 
                          AND `visibility_filter`.`attribute_id` = 99 
                          AND `visibility_filter`.`value` IN ( '2', '4' ) 
                          AND `visibility_filter`.`store_id` = '1' 
               INNER JOIN `catalog_category_product_index_store1` AS 
                       ON search_index.entity_id = category_ids_index.product_id 
                          AND category_ids_index.store_id = '1' 
        WHERE  ( search_index.store_id = '1' ) 
               AND ( category_ids_index.category_id = 17 ) 
               AND ( color_filter.value = '56' ) 
               AND ( material_filter.value = '152' ) 
               AND ( size_filter.value = '171' ) 
               AND ( eco_collection_filter.value = '0' ) 
               AND ( performance_fabric_filter.value = '0' ) 
               AND ( new_filter.value = '0' ) 
               AND ( sale_filter.value = '0' ) 
               AND ( style_general_filter.value = '135' ) 
               AND ( pattern_filter.value = '197' ) 
               AND ( climate_filter.value = '209' )) AS `main_select` 
GROUP  BY `entity_id` 
ORDER  BY `relevance` DESC, 
          `entity_id` DESC 
LIMIT  10000 





echo "installing magento"
php bin/magento setup:install --base-url=$BASE_URL --db-host=$DB_HOST --db-name=$DB_NAME --db-user=$DB_USER --db-password=$DB_PASS --admin-firstname=$ADMIN_FORNAME --admin-lastname=$ADMIN_LASTNAME --admin-email=$ADMIN_EMAIL --admin-user=$ADMIN_USER --admin-password=$ADMIN_PASS --language=$DEFAULT_LANG --currency=$DEFAULT_CURR --timezone=$DEFAULT_TIMEZONE --use-rewrites=1

echo "copying env.php and auth.json"
cp -f ../env.php ./app/etc/env.php
cp ../auth.json ./var/composer_home/auth.json
# install sample data
echo "copying sampledata:deploy"
bin/magento sampledata:deploy
echo "copying setup:di:compile"
bin/magento setup:di:compile
echo "copying setup:upgrade"
bin/magento setup:upgrade
#do release of phrases
echo "cache:clean"
bin/magento cache:clean
#bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f en_US de_DE de_CH sk_SK
bin/magento indexer:reindex
bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases -o "$VER.csv" -m

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 660
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 770
chmod -R g+w ./{pub,var}
chmod 0770 {bin,generated} -R


echo "setup:upgrade"
bin/magento setup:upgrade
echo "setup:di:compile"
bin/magento setup:di:compile
echo "cache:flush"
bin/magento cache:flush
echo "cache:clean"
bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
echo "indexer:reindex"
bin/magento indexer:reindex


Re: SQL Performance

It is a known bug. Please see:


Talk to your host about changing the transaction isolation method in MySQL. That helps get around this bug.


Re: SQL Performance

Is this a real query? Who wrote that and why? This kind of queries can't scale.

Re: SQL Performance

Welcome to Magento Smiley Happy

Anton Pachkine @ : Magento Small Business Package.

Re: SQL Performance

It seems that the query performance issue you're encountering is likely due to missing or inefficient indexing in your Magento installation. The complex joins and filtering in your query are putting a heavy load on the database, which can be exacerbated by the absence of appropriate indexes.

Before filing a bug report, consider checking and optimizing your database indexes. Running the `bin/magento indexer:reindex` command might help improve the performance. Additionally, you can use database query analysis tools to identify slow queries and add necessary indexes. If the problem persists, it might be worth reporting it as a potential performance bug.