If you have a custom domain name example.com that you purchased from Weebly, you have a couple of options.
You can leave the domain with Weebly and through domain name management section of your account you can edit the DNS records to point the A records to the IP addresses of your new Magento host.
Alternatively, you can migrate the DNS management by pointing to different nameservers to manage the DNS records elsewhere like Cloudflare or Amazon Route 53. This is a help article on that: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/201184656-Manage-Nameserver-Records
Finally, you can transfer the domain to a different domain name registrar like GoDaddy, NameCheap etc. This would then be where you renew the domain each year. To do this you will need to unlock the domain https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/216733938-Unlock-Your-Domain-and-Get-the-EPP-Code
You're the greatest thank you on a big journey now wow ok thanks, Mathew
Hoping you may know how to ?
As you say "You can leave the domain with Weebly and through domain name management section of your account you can edit the DNS records to point the A records to the IP addresses of your new Magento host"............Ok....
Migrate the DNS
1. Which is best but most easy way to point my DNS in you're opinion if I'm not a coder person but willing learn .weebly/domain/Edit Point DNS ....
How to download magento and get started and point the DNS this is where I'm lost now....any help please....? "IP addresses of your new Magento host" ok but how to Magento Host...sounds hard but thinking shouldn't be....
is their a system like orbelo for dropshipping on Aliexpress ? Which will monitor stock inventory and make changes also does auto orders built for shopify?
is M2e pro for magento alike for inventory updates from shopify orberlo aliexpress?
any thoughts?