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Attribute questions

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Attribute questions

getting ready to relaunch my site and im coming from zencart. Some things are different obviously but some remain the same. I have some attribute display questions.


Attributes on zen cart suck, but in the product and category they display the lowest price of the default attribute, default means its pre selected and if you hit add to cart thats the one you get.


I cant seem to find a way to do that with magento




bottom attribute pre selected






With magento if I set radio boxes with prices and set the product to $0.00 that's what displays in the category page.  With configurable products ( Swatch products ) it shows as low as, which is kind of better, but still no default size is selected.








anyone have any insight?






Re: Attribute questions

Hi @bocahydro,

I can't able to view your images. could you please re-upload it?

Best reagrds

Re: Attribute questions

they show bro : )

Re: Attribute questions

there has to be a way to display the lowest attribute price on the category or home page and still require buyer to select which option he wants

Re: Attribute questions

made some progress, if I set the main product price to say 8.99 ( what the lowest attribute price would be )  then I set the first option to 0.00 and the price will display on category


unfortunately its still a simple addition system that is adding the value of the attribute, while that works the customer may see +19.99 and the total value 28.98


Heres a pic



What I want to know is there a way to show the lowest attribute price and have flat rate pricing on the actual radio boxes so its displaying properly?


