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Do I have to decide wheter I want a PWA or a normal store with magento theme or can I use both?

Do I have to decide wheter I want a PWA or a normal store with magento theme or can I use both?

Do I have to decide wheter I want a PWA or a normal store with magento theme or can I use both at the same time? 

The documentation is not very clear.

And is it hard to create a PWA shop out of my already existing magento theme? How long will one single developer need?


Re: Do I have to decide wheter I want a PWA or a normal store with magento theme or can I use both?

Hi @Eddcapone 

You can have both a PWA website as well as a magento on but obviously on different urls.

As for as the question about building website on pwa .. cedcommerce has created a theme template for PWA website which is based on magento PWA studio. You can check the demo and discuss about further functionalities


If my answer is useful click kudos and accept as solution


Re: Do I have to decide wheter I want a PWA or a normal store with magento theme or can I use both?

Thank you. Our boss found out about PWA and thinks it is really cool and funky and all... but in my eyes it does not make any sense to have a PWA version and a normal version, since it requires twice the work.

Is the advantage of PWA so huge that we should drop the normal site and recreate it with PWA? PWA seems to be really complicated and you need to learn so much new stuff for it.

What is easier to maintain? PWA or normal theme driven site?