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Homepage - Banners Grid

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Homepage - Banners Grid



We are wanting to make some drastic changes to our homepage, We are wanting to go with a 3 grid design similar to the below link, Is this possible using the HTML editor or Page Builder?


Thank you


Re: Homepage - Banners Grid

Hi @WillDobson,

Yes, It is possible using html and page builder both.    

Re: Homepage - Banners Grid

Hi @Vimal Kumar ,


This is what I've got so far


However I have specified a class each for the left hand side image and the right hand side images. However when I try to add css to these classes it doesn't seem to take effect, I want to make the two right hand side images have a width of 48.7% so that the bottom of each column lines up, Any ideas?



Re: Homepage - Banners Grid

Hi @WillDobson,

Custom class or css should work. May be some css and class overriding it.

I have checked for bottom alignment issue. there was a css applying on it for bottom margin.

Screenshot from 2019-10-31 18-50-35.png

Re: Homepage - Banners Grid

Hi @Vimal Kumar 


Thats great thanks, We are also trying to add a slider to the page using bluefoot.


However the silder seems to load forever and get stuck.


Any ideas on this?



Re: Homepage - Banners Grid

Great... Glad to help you!

Please accept as a solution so it will help to others as well.

For slider, you need to check the js file of the slider, there should be some properties to rotate and speed.