I have already tried many given answers on the internet but none of them work such as I can't find below code in Subscriber.php, guess it was for Magento 1.x
$email->sendTransactional( Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_SUCCESS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE), Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_SUCCESS_EMAIL_IDENTITY), $this->getEmail(), $this->getName(), array('subscriber'=>$this) );
I have also tried adding var unsubscribe or var subscriber.getUnsubscriptionLink() but none of them work.
in my footer of email I am trying to add unsubscribe url for the receivers, but how do i get in 2.4.2? Previously in 2.3.5-p1 it was working with subscribe_data.getUnsubscriptionLink() but with recent upgrade its not.
any help/suggestion please?
You can create one module and override subscribe.php file.
And in the email part, pass the code to add link of "Unsubscribe Now"