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Need help with installing template

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Need help with installing template

Last week I bought the Rapiden megastore responsive Magento theme, and now I'm trying to install it on my website. However, I am stuck. I don't know exactly what to do and I can't find a clear explanation on how to install a new theme. I uploaded the App and Pub folders into my Magento root via FileZilla. After that, I changed the theme in the Magento admin panel, but if I refresh my homepage, it only shows a white screen with 'Home page', and a few footnotes. 


So is there anybody who is able to explain the installation process step by step?

I installed Magento 2.1.5 via Softaculous Auto Installer. I can access my Magento root folder via Filezilla or DirectAdmin. 

I really hope someone can help me, because I have struggled with it for a couple days now. 


Re: Need help with installing template


It's a standard Magento2 CLI process. 

First of all, you'd need SHELL/SSH access to your server. Magento uses CLI commands to deploy and upgrade its codebase. 


Assuming that you already have access to SSH/SHELL, you'd need to follow these steps: 

  • Navigate to your magento bin directory and run the following in Command Line Interface. 
  • php magento setup:upgrade
  • php magento setup:di:compile
  • php magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Finally, deploy static content and activate theme from your Magento backend. The above process may take a few minutes depending on the number of extensions you use. 

Don't forget to clear your cache Smiley Happy 


Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: Need help with installing template

Dear @ShoaibRehman89,

Thank you for helping me, but I don't understand what SHELL/SHH is.
Is it a program I can download or something?


Re: Need help with installing template



You can find details of Magento CLI here: 


Please accept my answer as a solution if I was able to fix your issue. Consider Giving Kudos if my response was helpful. 

Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: Need help with installing template

Thanks @ShoaibRehman89, but I still don't understand, can you try to be more clear?

My website is being controlled by a webhosting provider.
Do I have to use the Magento CLI then?

Re: Need help with installing template



Given that you are running Magento 2, you definitely need shell access. You can execute any system upgrades, install themes and third party extensions without this. 


If you speak to your hosting provider then they should be able to give you access to shell unless you are on a shared hosting? 

Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: Need help with installing template

I am in the same boat and I can feel your pain.


All answers available here and on the linked websites are answers to people who know how to code.

There is not one link to explain it for "normal" users. Not.A.Single.One.


It is annoying the crap out of me as I am also a "normal" user who simply wants to install a ****** theme and not go into the depth of coding or learning how to code.


Like the user who started this thread I have access to Cpanel and to the files.


If you say "go to the Magento root / shell / whatever and type in the command XYZ it is clear to those who know what to do and where to go.

But for a normal Joe Bloke it clearly is not!


Magento root to me are the files, the folders on the webspace. 

Clearly this is not what you mean.


My installation lies on the webspace, not in xampp on my computer. So the windows command thing would not help me.


If I go to Cpanel to the SSH access button I can only generate keys.

So, where do I put the commands in? Where is it? I can't find it.

And I am wrecking my brain since days now, for hours without any success. Not in the slightest.

I am tired, I am frustrated and I only wanted to install a flipping theme!!!!

Re: Need help with installing template

Unfortunatly Magento2 is more complicated than Magento1

In M1 there are 2 parts: frontend and backend
In M2 there are 3 parts: frontend, backend and CLI (command line interface)


CLI is not user friendly. It require specific knowladge. If you don't know what CLI means hire the guy who can handle this. Unfortunatly this is the simplest solution. Or you will spend days for studing CLI, SSH, etc. You can also ask theme author to help you with installation.


For cPanel hosting SSH configuration will looks like:
1) download and install SSH client on your computer (I use Putty on my Windows PC)
2) generate SSH keys at your cPanel. (Be sure ssh access is allowed by hosting provider)

3) configure SSH client to access your hosting. Use server address, username and keys.
These steps has too many technical details. Try to search YouTube for "cPanel SSH configure Putty".

Good luck.