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Responsive Image Left of Product Category Grid List

Responsive Image Left of Product Category Grid List

(for Magento2) I want to have an image positioned in a way that it overlaps just slightly with a product category grid list similar to below (sorry for bad ms paint job -- on wife's laptop)

I was hoping someone could give me some "high level" advice, tips, or even a more thorough tutorial on how to accomplish this. Would I create a new product category grid list template? Would I be able to do this by simply editing in the text area where you insert the widget (doubtful imo). Also and perhaps this changes the question, I might also be interested in using the product slider and trying this although I have not yet tested the slider.  Please point me in the right direction, and thanks for your assistance!


I am new to Magento but have some front end developing experienceexample design.jpgFor context: the image will be of someone who made the products in that category to emphasize the connection between the customer and the product maker.

(ps. I posted this in two forums categores because I wasn't sure which it should go to and I am trying to do this ASAP and my wife told me to Smiley Tongue )