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after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back

after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back

I am in this world but I like to learn.
i have a website in magento 2
( ... it was cute until I decided to install an extension whose name is easy megamenu now I have no idea what to do .. I'm 2 days already trying in every way possible .. Can someone help me please !!! and I don't even know which file I send you to look ....

I would love to have this extension

I always create the folder di and then it goes away it happens with the permissions too .. it comes back!!!

Sorry about my terrible English

PS: var/generation 775 app/etc 777 pub/static 777 

i am very newb


error in compile:


error in all site


error in admin / category


Report :







* Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.

namespace Ibnab\MegaMenu\Block\Html;

use Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityInterface;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use Magento\Framework\Data\TreeFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\NodeFactory;
use Magento\Theme\Block\Html\Topmenu;
use Magento\Cms\Model\BlockRepository;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Registry;
use Magento\Customer\Setup\CustomerSetupFactory;

* Html page top menu block
class Topmega extends Topmenu {

* Cache identities
* @var array
protected $identities = [];

* Top menu data tree
* @var \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node
protected $_menu;

* Core registry
* @var Registry
protected $registry;

* @var \Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryFactory
protected $categoryFactory;

* @var \Magento\Cms\Model\Template\FilterProvider
protected $_filterProvider;

* Store manager
* @var \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface
protected $_storeManager;

* Block factory
* @var \Magento\Cms\Model\BlockFactory
protected $_blockFactory;

* Core registry
* @var \Magento\Framework\Registry
protected $coreRegistry = null;

* @var \Ibnab\CategoriesUrl\Helper\Data
protected $dataHelper;

* @param Template\Context $context
* @param NodeFactory $nodeFactory
* @param TreeFactory $treeFactory
* @param array $data
public function __construct(CustomerSetupFactory $customerSetupFactory,
Template\Context $context, NodeFactory $nodeFactory, TreeFactory $treeFactory, CategoryFactory $categoryFactory, \Magento\Cms\Model\Template\FilterProvider $filterProvider, \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager, \Magento\Cms\Model\BlockFactory $blockFactory, Registry $registry, \Ibnab\MegaMenu\Helper\Data $dataHelper, array $data = []
) {
parent::__construct($context, $nodeFactory, $treeFactory, $data);
$this->categoryFactory = $categoryFactory;
$this->_filterProvider = $filterProvider;
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_blockFactory = $blockFactory;
$this->coreRegistry = $registry;
$this->dataHelper = $dataHelper;
$this->_menu = $this->getMenu();
$this->customerSetupFactory = $customerSetupFactory;

* Prepare Content HTML
* @return string
public function getBlockHtml($id) {
$blockId = $id;
$html = '';
if ($blockId) {
$storeId = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId();
/** @var \Magento\Cms\Model\Block $block */
$block = $this->_blockFactory->create();
if ($block->isActive()) {
$html = $this->_filterProvider->getBlockFilter()->setStoreId($storeId)->filter($block->getContent());
return $html;

* Add sub menu HTML code for current menu item
* @param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $child
* @param string $childLevel
* @param string $childrenWrapClass
* @param int $limit
* @return string HTML code
protected function _addSubMenu2($child, $childLevel, $childrenWrapClass, $limit) {

if ($this->dataHelper->allowExtension()) {
$html = '';
if (!$child->hasChildren()) {
return $html;

$colStops = null;
if ($childLevel == 0 && $limit) {
$colStops = $this->_columnBrake($child->getChildren(), $limit);

$category = "";
if ($childLevel == 0) {
$html .= '<ul>';
$category = $this->coreRegistry->registry('current_categry_top_level');
if ($category != null) {
if ($category->getUseStaticBlock()) {

if ($category->getUseStaticBlockTop() && $category->getStaticBlockTopValue() != "") {
$html .= '<div class="topstatic" >';
$html .= $this->getBlockHtml($category->getStaticBlockTopValue());
$html .= '</div>';
if ($category->getUseStaticBlockLeft() && $category->getStaticBlockLeftValue() != "") {
$html .= '<div class="leftstatic" >';
$html .= $this->getBlockHtml($category->getStaticBlockLeftValue());
$html .= '</div>';
if ($category->getUseLabel()) {
if ($category->getLabelValue() != "") {
$child->setData('name', $category->getLabelValue());
if (!$category->getDisabledChildren() && $childLevel == 0) {
$html .= $this->_getHtml($child, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colStops);

if ($category != null) {
if ($category->getUseStaticBlock()) {
if ($category->getUseStaticBlockRight() && $category->getStaticBlockRightValue() != "") {
$html .= '<div class="rightstatic" >';
$html .= $this->getBlockHtml($category->getStaticBlockRightValue());
$html .= '</div>';

if ($category->getUseStaticBlockBottom() && $category->getStaticBlockBottomValue() != "") {
$html .= '<div class="bottomstatic" >';
$html .= $this->getBlockHtml($category->getStaticBlockBottomValue());
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="bottomstatic" ></div>';
$html .= '</ul>';
} else {
$html .= '<ul>';
$html .= $this->_getHtml($child, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colStops);
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
} else {
return parent::_addSubMenu($child, $childLevel, $childrenWrapClass, $limit);

* Returns array of menu item's classes
* @param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item
* @return array
protected function _getMenuItemClasses(\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item) {

$classes = [];
$level = 'level' . $item->getLevel();
$classes[] = $level;

$position = $item->getPositionClass();
$positionArray = explode("-", $position);
$classes[] = $position;

if ($item->getIsFirst()) {
$classes[] = 'first';

if ($item->getIsActive()) {
$classes[] = 'active';
} elseif ($item->getHasActive()) {
$classes[] = 'has-active';

if ($item->getIsLast()) {
$classes[] = 'last';

if ($item->getClass()) {
$classes[] = $item->getClass();

if ($item->hasChildren()) {
$classes[] = 'parent';

if ($level == 'level1' && count($positionArray) == 3) {
$category = $this->coreRegistry->registry('current_categry_top_level');
$classes[] = $category->getLevelColumnCount();
return $classes;

* Recursively generates top menu html from data that is specified in $menuTree
* @param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree
* @param string $childrenWrapClass
* @param int $limit
* @param array $colBrakes
* @return string
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)

protected function _getHtml(
\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colBrakes = []
) {
$html = '';

$children = $menuTree->getChildren();
$parentLevel = $menuTree->getLevel();
$childLevel = $parentLevel === null ? 0 : $parentLevel + 1;

$counter = 1;
$itemPosition = 1;
$childrenCount = $children->count();

$parentPositionClass = $menuTree->getPositionClass();
$itemPositionClassPrefix = $parentPositionClass ? $parentPositionClass . '-' : 'nav-';

foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->setIsFirst($counter == 1);
$child->setIsLast($counter == $childrenCount);
$child->setPositionClass($itemPositionClassPrefix . $counter);

$outermostClassCode = '';
$outermostClass = $menuTree->getOutermostClass();

if ($childLevel == 0 && $outermostClass) {
$outermostClassCode = ' class="' . $outermostClass . '" ';
if(is_array($colBrakes) || is_object($colBrakes)){
if (count($colBrakes) && $colBrakes[$counter]['colbrake']) {
$html .= '</ul></li><li class="column"><ul>';
$html .= '<li ' . $this->_getRenderedMenuItemAttributes($child) . '>';
if ($child->getCategoryIsLink()) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $child->getUrl() . '" ' . $outermostClassCode . '>';
$html .= '<a ' . $outermostClassCode . '>';
$html .= '<span>' . $this->escapeHtml(
) . '</span>';

$html .= '</a>';

$html .= $this->_addSubMenu(
) . '</li>';;
if(is_array($colBrakes) || is_object($colBrakes)){
if (count($colBrakes) && $limit) {
$html = '<li class="column"><ul>' . $html . '</ul></li>';
return $html;

* Recursively generates top menu html from data that is specified in $menuTree
* @param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree
* @param string $childrenWrapClass
* @param int $limit
* @param array $colBrakes
* @return string
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
protected function _getHtml2(
\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colBrakes = []
) {
if ($this->dataHelper->allowExtension()) {
$html = '';
$children = $menuTree->getChildren();
$parentLevel = $menuTree->getLevel();
$childLevel = $parentLevel === null ? 0 : $parentLevel + 1;

$counter = 1;
$itemPosition = 1;
$childrenCount = $children->count();

$parentPositionClass = $menuTree->getPositionClass();
$itemPositionClassPrefix = $parentPositionClass ? $parentPositionClass . '-' : 'nav-';

foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->setIsFirst($counter == 1);
$child->setIsLast($counter == $childrenCount);
$child->setPositionClass($itemPositionClassPrefix . $counter);

$outermostClassCode = '';
$outermostClass = $menuTree->getOutermostClass();

if ($childLevel == 0 && $outermostClass) {
$outermostClassCode = ' class="' . $outermostClass . '" ';
if ($childLevel == 0) {
$arrayId = explode('-', $child->_getData('id'));
$category = null;
if (isset($arrayId[2])) {
$id = $arrayId[2];
$category = $this->categoryFactory->create();
$this->coreRegistry->register('current_categry_top_level', $category);
if(is_array($colBrakes) || is_object($colBrakes)){
if (count($colBrakes) && $colBrakes[$counter]['colbrake']) {
$html .= '</ul></li><li><ul>';
$html .= '<li>';

if ($childLevel == 0) {
$name = $child->getName();
$category = $this->coreRegistry->registry('current_categry_top_level');
if ($category != null) {
if ($category->getUseLabel()) {
if ($category->getLabelValue() != "") {
$name = $category->getLabelValue();
} else {
$name = $child->getName();
} else {
$name = $child->getName();
if ($category->getCategoryIsLink()) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $child->getUrl() . '" ' . $outermostClassCode . '>';
$html .= '<a ' . $outermostClassCode . '>';
$html .= '<span>' . $this->escapeHtml(
) . '</span>';
$html .= '</a>';

$html .= $this->_addSubMenu2($child, $childLevel, $childrenWrapClass, $limit
) . '</li>';
} else {
$html .= '<a href="' . $child->getUrl() . '" ' . $outermostClassCode . '><span>' . $this->escapeHtml(
) . '</span></a>' . $this->_addSubMenu2(
$child, $childLevel, $childrenWrapClass, $limit
) . '</li>';
if(is_array($colBrakes) || is_object($colBrakes)){
if (count($colBrakes) && $limit) {
$html = '<li class="column"><ul>' . $html . '</ul></li>';
return $html;
} else {
return parent::_getHtml(
$menuTree, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colBrakes

* Get top menu html
* @param string $outermostClass
* @param string $childrenWrapClass
* @param int $limit
* @return string
public function getHtml($outermostClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '', $limit = 0) {
if ($childrenWrapClass == "mega") {
$childrenWrapClass = "submenu";
'page_block_html_topmenu_gethtml_before', ['menu' => $this->_menu, 'block' => $this]


$html = $this->_getHtml2($this->_menu, $childrenWrapClass, $limit);

$transportObject = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(['html' => $html]);
'page_block_html_topmenu_gethtml_after', ['menu' => $this->_menu, 'transportObject' => $transportObject]
$html = $transportObject->getHtml();
return $html;
} else {
return parent::getHtml($outermostClass, $childrenWrapClass, $limit);

public function allowExtension() {
return $this->dataHelper->allowExtension();



Re: after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back

Hello @lelebr 


Follow below shared steps:


rm -rf generated/code/*
chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/ generated/
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush

Try it once and let me know if any luck. Thanks

Manish Mittal

Re: after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back

net see directory  generated 


leandro@contornodamoda2-vm:/var/www/html$ sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Compilation was started.
Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 1 sec 44.0 MiBPHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Undefine
d constant 'Ibnab\MegaMenu\Block\Html\Topmenu' in /var/www/html/app/code/lbnab/MegaMenu/Block/Html/topmega.php:8
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Module/Di/Code/Reader/ClassesScanner.php(70): require_once()
#1 /var/www/html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Module/Di/App/Task/Operation/RepositoryGenerator.php(61): Magento\Setup\Module\Di\Code\
#2 /var/www/html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Module/Di/App/Task/Manager.php(56): Magento\Setup\Module\Di\App\Task\Operation\Reposito
#3 /var/www/html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Console/Command/DiCompileCommand.php(188): Magento\Setup\Module\Di\App\Task\Manager->pr
ocess(Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
#4 /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/Command.php(257): Magento\Setup\Console\Command\DiComp
ileCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#5 /var/www/h in /var/www/html/app/code/lbnab/MegaMenu/Block/Html/topmega.php on line 8

Re: after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back

Hello @lelebr 


Check below shared error:


Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Undefine
d constant 'Ibnab\MegaMenu\Block\Html\Topmenu' in /var/www/html/app/code/lbnab/MegaMenu/Block/Html/topmega.php:8

Line: 8 in shared file.

Manish Mittal

Re: after installing extension megamenu the site does not come back
